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Comeback in the Monaco paddock: This is what Max says about Jos Verstappen’s return

Jos Verstappen is back in Formula 1 for the first time since the trouble with Red Bull team boss Christian Horner: This is how son Max Verstappen reacts

He’s back: Jos Verstappen is back in the Formula 1 paddock for the first time since publicly expressing his anger at Christian Horner’s departure as team principal of the Red Bull team.

However, the absence of the world champion dad had less to do with the tensions surrounding the Horner affair, at least officially, than with his own racing career, which is still going strong at the age of 52.

“He was pretty busy because he drives rallies himself. That requires a lot of preparation, so it’s logical that he can’t always be here,” explained his son Max on Friday in Monaco, referring to his father’s return.

In addition, “Jos, the Boss”, as his fans affectionately christen the Dutchman, also has family commitments: “When he is doing his rally racing, he is also away from the family. So it’s important that he also spends time with the little one between races,” says Verstappen Junior.

Verstappen gets crash pictures from dad Jos

In addition to Max’s adult sister Victoria, who like the Formula 1 world champion also comes from a marriage to former kart racer Sophie Kumpen, Jos Verstappen also has a ten-year-old daughter named Blue Jaye from another relationship.

In any case, the former team-mate of Michael Schumacher is always in close contact with his children, even with the busy Max, as the Red Bull superstar reveals: “My dad always sends me the live timing, so I can keep an eye on it,” he says in reference to his father’s rally ambitions.

Verstappen laughs: “Or I get a picture when things have gone wrong and he says: ‘We’re done’.”

After a strong start to the season in the Belgian rally championship, things have indeed gone worse for Verstappen Senior recently, with two retirements in a row. “But that’s just part of it,” says his son Max, who is no less experienced in motorsport.



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