Friday, June 14, 2024
HomeEsports"FIFA 22 is completely fucked" - "EA doesn't give a shit"

“FIFA 22 is completely fucked” – “EA doesn’t give a shit”

Elias Nerlich could hardly have found clearer words than in his video statement against EA and FIFA 22 – the most impressive statements at a glance.

Actually content creator and influencer Elias ‘EliasN97’ Nerlich only wanted to explain why he doesn’t want to play FIFA 22 anymore. What came out in 37 minutes of video form is a general reckoning with the title and developer EA SPORTS. The most impressive statements at a glance.

Elias Nerlich on…

..the reaction of those around him:

“I don’t even get many people writing to me about why there’s no more FIFA. People don’t miss it.”

“My friends don’t play FIFA anymore. None of my private friends play FIFA anymore.”

..the state of FIFA:

“They don’t do anything anyway. EA doesn’t do anything anyway. FIFA 22 is completely fucked.”

“FIFA is one of the biggest games in the world and people don’t give a shit. EA don’t give a shit. Because they make billions.”

“I’m not going to play FIFA 22 anymore. But I will buy FIFA 23 like a little pissant in the first week straight.”

..dealing with the community:

“You know what EA is doing wrong? They don’t listen to the community one bit. They listen to the people that I think are crying about getting picked off. They’ll be these 40-, 50-year-old Thorstens who wouldn’t play the game for long anyway.”

“I actually love FIFA. But what they’ve been doing for the last few years is just disrespectful to the FIFA community.”

..the problems of the Weekend League:

“In the Weekend League you have to sweat, you have to have armpit sweat, you have to smell like shit, you have to fight.”

..the mandatory Weekend League qualifier:

“Either they’re stupid, the people who work there. Or they’re too lazy to think. It’s got to be one or the other.”

..FIFA eSports and its Eligella XMAX Cup:

“This whole eSports thing is the most disrespectful thing of all. Not so many people get it because it doesn’t affect many people. But what they’re getting away with is really gross.”

“A guy sitting here in his pants who doesn’t even know English has managed to put on what I think is the biggest FIFA offline event on Twitch. I don’t know if the World Cup had better numbers. But even if it did: It’s not like you can compare a thing like that to the World Cup.”

..EA’s priorities with FIFA:

“You guys are doing a really bad job. Purely from an interpersonal point of view, not from a business point of view.”

“They don’t get around to improving the rewards because good rewards lead to having more coins and putting less money into the game. “



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