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I see only one solution and that is that Arsenal Özil sells in January.

I see only one solution and that is that Arsenal Özil sells in January.

Mesut Özil has still not renewed his expiring contract with Arsenal and it seems very much like the German is working on his last season in London. Former international Martin Keown is convinced that Özil will be sold by the Gunners in January.

I see only one solution. As soon as it’s January, Mesut Özil has left,” Keown at BT Sport says,” Alexis Sánchez, I’d keep to the end of the season, because he gives Arsenal the best chance to qualify for the Champions League,”The Chilean contract also expires after this season. He is in the interest of Manchester City, while Özil is associated with a departure to Manchester United.

Özil is in a lesser shape this season and has not yet been able to make its mark. Also against Watford (2-1 defeat), the midfielder didn’t reach his level and he missed a great chance,”That ball should have been in any case. Then it would have been over and ha Arsenal won. In such situations, you have to be cold-blooded and score. If what happened after that, it would not have happened “.

Do you think Mesut Özil will be sold in January?

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