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Filbry: “For us, the Markus Anfang file is closed”

Klaus Filbry , Werder’s managing director of finance, commented on Saturday evening on the terminated cooperation with Markus Anfang He ruled out claims for damages against the ex-coach.

Filbry, like sports director Frank Baumann before him, pointed to the enormous momentum that the case had taken on due to the great public interest. On Friday, the police had come to the Weser Stadium with a search warrant for Markus Anfang. In connection with the allegations of a forged Corona certificate by Anfang, the Werder managers were presented with a“very clear circumstantial situation “

Filbry did not want to specify what exactly this was. After Anfang and his co-trainer Florian Junge, who is also under investigation due to abnormalities in the vaccination record, were in contact with the police, they asked sporting director Baumann to terminate their contracts. In doing so, they probably pre-empted any possible consequences by the club, as Filbry confirmed: “On the basis of this clear circumstantial evidence, we have looked into steps under labour law”, which Werder would then have “possibly also considered”.

Filbry warns against “prejudgement “

The immediate termination of the contract “closes the file on Markus Anfang for us “, said the 54-year-old. There will be no claims for damages against the coach, for whom the club had transferred a considerable six-figure sum to Darmstadt 98 before the season.

Nationwide, the issue of vaccination passport falsification has thus been brought to the fore, also in connection with our club.

When to expect final results in the investigation of the Anfangs case is now up to the public prosecutor’s office. Filbry warned to continue to be “cautious about making a pre-judgement “ Nevertheless, the incidents since Thursday have already damaged Werder’s image: “The issue of vaccination passport falsification has been brought to the fore nationwide, also in connection with our club. That’s not nice,” said the Werder managing director: “In this respect, it’s now important to focus on the future.”

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