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FCA: Solid figures, but a high loss in sight

Despite the Corona pandemic, FC Augsburg can report solid financial figures for the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21. For the current season, however, managing director Michael Ströll is forecasting a loss in the double-digit millions.

Because the 2020 general meeting had not taken place due to the Corona pandemic, managing director Michael Ströll presented the figures for the past two financial years on Tuesday evening. Despite a drop in revenue of 35 million euros since March 2020, FCA has solid finances to show.

The Augsburg side finished the 2019/2020 season – despite five home games without spectators in the final stretch – with record revenues of €98.586 million and a small surplus of €0.933 million. In the 2020/21 season – in which only one home game could be played in front of spectators – turnover fell by almost 20 per cent to 80.986 million euros, but in the end there was only a small loss of 0.774 million euros.

“Continue on the path of economic reason and do not leave it “

The results are particularly remarkable when one considers that many other Bundesliga clubs have concluded the corresponding seasons with significant losses in the double-digit millions. For 2019/20, FCA can report “the third-best result in the entire Bundesliga”, Ströll emphasised to the members in the opposing stand of the WWK Arena. “The crisis has also hit us, but not as hard as others because we can show a different stability.” FCA will “continue on the path of economic reason and not abandon it,” announced Ströll and, looking to the future, warned: “The Corona pandemic is not over. We are also feeling the effects now and in the future. “

Double-digit million loss in 2021/22

The head of finance forecasts a clearly negative result for the current season: “We are planning a low double-digit million loss in 2021/22,” even though record revenues are expected in the areas of marketing and sponsoring. However, FCA would have 20 per cent less television money at its disposal than in the past. The slump is explained by the new, lower-paying TV contract combined with FCA’s drop in the five-year sporting rankings. At 52.371 million euros, TV revenue accounted for well over 60 per cent of the outsourced Profi KGaA’s total turnover in 2020/21 and is by far the most important source of funds.

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