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Durant’s 43 Carries Warriors to 3-0 Lead over Lebron’s Cavs in NBA Finals

Kevin Durant 43 points lead to 3-0 Over Lebron's Cavs

Durant took his Warriors to within touching distance of claiming another NBA championship. Whilst the scoreline for this game looked closer than the previous two games, the same pattern emerged – Warriors were just too strong for the Cavs.

The Warriors now lead the NBA Finals series by 3-0 as they look to claim their second consecutive NBA championship. Kevin Durant had an exceptional game, scoring 43 points, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson also played their part for the Warriors as they overcame LeBron’s Cavaliers yet again.

KD on fire

KD was on fire and took the majority of the plaudits following the win and also managed to hit the biggest shot of the series so far. He did the same in Game 3 of the 2017 Finals and it was like history repeating itself.

LeBron was not a mere bystander, he came in with a triple-double but it wasn’t enough to prevent the Warriors from taking the game. There was a glimmer of hope of a fightback but the Warriors saw out the game and now look odds on to win the NBA championship again.

Durant heads into the history books

Durant joined an exclusive list of players that have scored 40 or more points on 23 or fewer shots. He joins Jerry West, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Shaquille O’Neal in the history books.

The Cleveland Cavaliers are going to need to make some big improvements if they are to fight their way back into the series, or even just to prevent the humiliation of a 4-0 drubbing. Can LeBron James lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to an unlikely comeback after being 3-0 down in the series? We will find out in Game 4!

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